"19 ARABS": THE "MAGIC BULLET" of 9/11

Of course, my primary aim is not to critique the corporate news media industry in all of their feculent, fraudulent, flatulent splendor, but as the “official story” of 9/11 has been actively and avidly disseminated by these outlets, their credibility must be the first domino to fall in our push towards the truth… Yet when I say “truth” here, what do I mean and to what precisely am I referring?


My goal in this extended essay is NOT to argue for an alternative explanation—that which invariably gets called a “conspiracy theory”—but rather 1) to give a sketch rendering of how numerous aspects of the 9/11 OS (“official story”) simply don't make sense, and more crucially, 2) to draw attention to the fact that the impossibility of the OS is so conspicuous that its manifold contradictions call attention to anyone who is even halfway paying attention, before finally, 3) asking why, when it comes to the 9/11 OS, the gulf between what is asserted and what can be credibly believed is so dizzyingly stark.


That is to say, could the highly-placed, expensively-appointed spinners of this yarn involving “19 Arabs With Boxcutters” not have done a better job of seeing to it that their explanation of events cohered more convincingly, given their massive, indeed nearly unlimited, access to resources, via the ever-present “black budget” and the ever-available printing presses churning out greenbacks at the Federal Reserve?


Given these considerations, can we truly chalk up such poor explanations  to mere incompetence on the part of the officially-appointed  explainers? Or is in fact the very lack of believability the very purpose of the entire rigmarole of the exercise of constructing an impossible series of scenarios, and brazenly asserting these blatant fictions as if they were unimpeachable facts?   


The title of this essay, 19 Arabs With Boxcutters, gets to the very heart of what I will posit to be the primary task of the entire 9/11 “op” in a nutshell.


Like the “magic bullet” often discussed in JFK assassination circles, the phrase, “19 Arabs with boxcutters” explicitly presents that which is patently absurd in the 9/11 OS.


The phrase baldly lays out what is said to have happened, and at the same time clarifies that what is said to have happened is precisely what could never have happened. No bullet with the trajectory that the Warren Report absurdly considered a realistic feat of ballistics could truly have been fired from the rifle of Kennedy’s assassin; likewise, no scenario resulting in the complete destruction of three steel-framed skyscrapers, or the inexplicable wreckage inflicted upon a cement-reinforced section of the most heavily-fortified building in the world, as well as the still less explicable fact that a flying object, piloted with obvious destructive intent, was apparently allowed to breach this fortress’s airspace  without being shot down by the extensive weaponry readily available for this building’s defense, can defensibly be asserted by recourse to the “19 Arabs” thesis.


Instead, incredibly, the flying object speeding toward this insanely well-fortified building was not only not shot down, but was even allowed to crash directly into the fortress (in fact, into the very place in that same fortress where certain records of massive financial improprieties were being stored, and where many of the personnel investigating these improprieties were killed by the apparent impact, but we are getting ahead of ourselves now…), strains credulity.


That such breathtaking feats of aerial virtuosity, such as those apparently achieved by the alleged hijackers of the planes that allegedly crashed into the two World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon, could be achieved by men with an extremely spotty flight-training record simply beggars belief. The notion of this ragtag gaggle of “ragheads”-- some of whom had logged in but a few hours of flying lessons on a tiny, single-engine plane, with reportedly something less than spectacular results—could suddenly have absorbed the technical prowess to execute feats of flight with massive, bulky passenger jets, feats which skilled pilots in sleek, aerodynamic fighter jets could scarcely accomplish, likewise strikes the discerning mind as greatly unlikely, to the point of near-impossibility.


But note above that I make reference to the sort of person with a “discerning mind,” and discernment seems at present to be in alarmingly short supply, both among the dutiful scribes who still defend the 9/11 OS, as well as the members of the public who continue to buy into these confabulations, weak and insubstantial though they clearly are.



Andy Nowicki is a blogger, vlogger, and writer. Visit his author page, his Amazon page, and his YouTube channel.




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