Why are there so many flaws, anomalies, and impossibilities in the 9/11 OS?




If your answer to this question is, “Well, obviously because it just doesn’t hold together, since it isn’t true,” then you are both understanding and missing the point at the same time. For the perplexing aspect of this issue is in fact inherent in the very sloppiness with which it was performed.


Simply put, given the massive resources at their disposal, why couldn’t the 9/11 plotters and deceivers make it seem as if their story were airtight? Why, instead, are there so many ultra-conspicuous loose ends? Why, in fact, is the 9/11 OS not merely difficult to swallow, but finally impossible to believe, when one begins to scrutinize it with anything resembling logic, reason, and discernment?


One possibility to consider is sheer incompetence. It is probable than many of the ruling class aren’t the sorts of Bond villain-esque "evil masterminds" we take them to be. They could in fact be utter bumblers in many cases. Being sociopathically wicked and willing to murder thousands of innocent people in order to further a warmongering agenda doesn't necessarily make you intellectually nimble, psychologically adept, or effective at emotional manipulation.


On the other hand, one imagines that those with infinite resources would also be able to hire highly skilled public relations hacks, as well as buying off much of the judicial system, not to mention nearly the entirety of the prominent media, in order to promote their diabolical lies as if they were God’s honest truth. And such an eventually has certainly come to pass, as one can see simply by observing the sort of notions that are permitted to be expressed on media channels as opposed to the sorts of ideas that are regarded as “beyond the pale,” and immediately censored.


But however slick or seductive such efforts may be, there is still the problem of the untenability of the account they are doing their damndest to sell to their audience as “truth.” Many will be intimidated from seeing reason because the most powerful people are promoting an “official story” that takes leave from common sense in nearly every way, and they don’t want to  suffer the loss of social credit which invariably accompanies opposing the powerful; others, being caught up with other things in their personal lives, will simply take the duplicitous media’s deceitful account of things at face value, not because they are dumb or credulous, but simply because they are generally otherwise preoccupied, and thus not inclined to examine such matters too closely.


And so, we are left with our initial question still unanswered. Regardless of the compliant media and paid-off hacks working overtime to divert the population from considering relevant lines of inquiry, such as those briefly enumerated above, we still have the vexing conundrum: never mind how many resources they have poured into the cover-up of the operation, why was the operation itself so sloppily executed in the first place?   




Here, admittedly, one enters into avenues of sheer speculation. There is simply no way to know for certain, because the ones who know the answer would never give the game away; after all, they are the claque that runs the country, as well as much of the world— who, realistically, could hold them to account for anything? And which of us ‘’useless eaters” and “nonessential” nobodies would be so impertinent as to demand explanations from those who view themselves as our rightful masters, fit to move the mass of humanity around as if we mere pawns on their grand chessboard?


 One even gathers that many of those “in the know” concerning the reality of what truly went down on 9/11 are probably altogether ignorant concerning this more subtle, dare I say, “esoteric,” question.


Some have speculated that the reason for all of the conspicuous loose ends, inconsistencies and contradictions is attributable to the fact that our nefarious ruling class, being psychotically sadistic, obtain a particular thrill from rubbing their murderous duplicity in our faces; thus, the innumerable problems with the 9/11 OS are viewed as a manifestation of  a kind of “duper’s delight” writ large.


Essentially (it is argued), they engage in murder, mayhem, and terror to achieve certain political ends, before concocting an fantastic story, promoting it as reality, and smirking at those who note the jarring dissonance between the fantastic “19 Arabs with boxcutters” account of events and the observable “facts on the ground,” which clearly bear little resemblance to the OS—which (to those arguing for this interpretation) is the very point, as it demonstrates the extent of the dominion of the power elite: it seems, that is, that they are able to get away with anything, including promoting obviously bogus explanations of events, and they suffer no resultant “blowback” for their blatant indulgence in fraud, murder, and deceit, since they essentially possess “the power to bind and to loose” when it comes to depicting reality. It turns them on to hold such power, and they are eager to lord it over those they view as their inferiors (i.e., most of the population); hence, their alleged recourse to “duper’s delight.”




Another possibility offered to explain this seemingly inexplicable set of circumstances is summarized in the phrase, “Revelation of the Method.” This phrase makes reference to an alleged ritual, most recently explicated by researcher Michael Hoffman. in which forbidden truths are revealed by the very ones who are perpetrating the lies, via cryptology (secret lingo) or symbology. Thus the 9/11 OS could very well be riddled with inconsistencies because those who orchestrated these events wished to render manifest the actuality of their twisted intentions, in order to demonstrate the extent of their power, dominion, and control. In this way, the motivation behind “revealing the method” seems not dissimilar to that behind “duper’s delight,” even if here there is an overlay of ritualistic formalism to the proceedings, instead of mere raw orgiastic abandonment.



To all of the abovementioned efforts to comprehend this phenomenon, I wish to add another possibility.


Perhaps the 9/11 OS, replete with its “hijackers” that were never there, its aluminum-sided passenger planes impossibly slicing through steel-girded towers and cement-reinforced walls whilst flying at impossible speeds, its terrorist passports impossibly surviving catastrophic explosions, its impossibly dissolving buildings, its passengers and flight attendants making cell phone calls from impossible locations, and the rest of the absurdist aspects, both mentioned and unmentioned here, serve the purpose of making the entirety of the population psychically complicit in the fraud being perpetrated.


After all, if the entire operation were achieved in a manner that rendered the 9/11 OS completely believable, then the public could hardly be blamed for believing it. That is to say, there would be absolutely no operative psychic “karma” to speak of when it came to the “average man.” However, with so much obviously and abundantly out of order in the account, the prototypical “masses” have absolutely no legitimate excuse for their credulity. They may well have busy lives, or they may not be inclined to pay attention to the intricacies of what farcically gets called “news” (which is certainly no sin); however, If they continue to act as if nothing terribly untoward has occurred and go on participating in a system that has perpetrated—or at the very least, been complicit in perpetrating—a massive ritual of deception, fraud, and murder— this in turn renders them complicit as well.   


Thus the plotters of these and similar acts (for 9/11 is far from being an anomalous instance of their propensity to commit murder, mayhem, trickery, and deceit) obtain a kind of “permission” to stay on their wayward course. After all, they have laid bare their deceptions before the world; their “official stories” immediately fall apart under scrutiny, yet few if any thereby recognize the illegitimacy of the rulership that they claim over humanity, much less challenging their right to rule in the first place.


After all, if a slave openly consents to his condition, rather than contesting it, is he not, in his way, just as complicit as his master? And if he continues in servitude, without objection, even after his master has displayed a propensity towards orchestrating the foulest of crimes, isn’t he in fact sullied in the commission of those crimes himself?



To be perfectly clear, I don’t accuse anyone of being a “slave” simply due to the circumstance of not belonging to the ruling class. Nor do I suggest for a moment that one must of necessity take “extreme” measures in order to register one’s non-consent. However, I would argue that some type of determined and resolute gesture of non-compliance is needed in order to cleanse one’s “karma,” so to speak.


Exactly what form this gesture takes is up to each of us. No one but ourselves truly knows the most appropriate manner to manifest this needful sentiment. However, if we neglect to display our defiance in some mode or manner, we will show ourselves to be complicit in the tangled web of depravity weaved by those who outrageously claim to be our “betters.” To orchestrate the downfall our so-called betters, we must DO better ourselves.



 Andy Nowicki is a blogger, vlogger, and writer. Visit his author page, his Amazon page, and his YouTube channel.


































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