While my assertion is that the 9/11 OS (“official story”) is a lie from start to finish, it is rare to find liars who speak, as it were, “on the record,” expressing themselves in a manner that is directly violative of the truth. Most of the lies that we hear are at least once- or twice-removed, giving the speaker plausible deniability: he is, after all, only reporting what he has been told. Media lapdogs, as well as state- and corporate-appointed public relations spokesmen have this readymade excuse, and many of them are no doubt credulous enough actually to believe what they have been told, just like much of the propagandized public, whom they are charged with the responsibility to (dis)inform. In a few cases, however, we have instances of people who have behaved far more boldly; that is, they have positively asserted that which is demonstrably false, or at the very least, deeply dubious, claiming the testimony of personal witness. For such as these, there can be no...